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#1787988   Scottyさん    2020年11月16日 8:23 AM   返信

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A pick-up in Treasury yields, “will be what wakes people up to the idea that equities is where you want to be in an upswing,” says Ramin Nakisa, analyst at UBS. According to data from Lipper, U.S. investors pumped $8.4 billion into equity-focused exchange traded funds in the week to this Wednesday, the highest amount since a burst in early January when economic optimism was also running high. A further $3.5 billion flowed into equity mutual funds.

#1788012   Cedricさん    2020年11月16日 8:25 AM   返信

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#1788013   Angelinaさん    2020年11月16日 8:25 AM   返信

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