It’s a real plsueare to find someone who can think like that
That’s really thnniikg of the highest order
Its always the same old “how can we as black people progress” and “what can black people do to prsroesg”. Why do I never hear about this from white folks? Cause honestly, I could probably use a little bit of progressing myself, but I dont lump myself into a huge category of white people when I think about what I have to do as an individual to better myself.
mui!sjä kan du känna att du redan inspirerat bland designteamet? tycker det känns som kristys kort denna gÃ¥ng var mycket "anna maria".♥
That’s a smart answer to a tricky qusioetn
You’re a real deep thkrein. Thanks for sharing.
I completely forgot that I owe you a picture!!! I'm in the middle of my RP Standring Bridal Shower (we'll get married this Saturday), but I will get back to you labtr.eertaandstandring.tumblr.comCome on down and join the celebration!
It seems to me that Asians are assimilating TOO WELL. Since American pop culture and elite culture are dominated by Jews, gays, and blacks, that is what goes by American cueeerl/valuus/idtas today, and so Asians have been exceptionally well in assimilating to that stuff. SYPL is very much like SWPL.
Lupta nu se dă doar la vedere în staIÃd„ƒ.reri am lămurit 3 pesediști că este mai bine pentru ei așa. Nu spun argumentele dar m-am ghidat după vechiul dicton Divide ….Să demonstrăm ceea ce deja cunoaștem, suntem mai deștepți decât ei.
OczywiÅ›cie muiiÅlse›cie z niego zrobić psychopatÄ™ . Ach zawsze chciaÅ‚em mieć furby\\’ego, ale nigdy go nie dostaÅ‚em, a teraz to już dziwnie go kupić, a i tak pewnie by mi siÄ™ znudziÅ‚. Może jak bÄ™dÄ™ miaÅ‚ dzieci .
So excited I found this article as it made things much qurkcei!
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